The National Trends and Services facet is tasked with eliminating disparities by reducing barriers to resources through advocacy, education, and service. The Morris County Chapter of the Links, Incorporated is empowered to raise our voices and transform our community by increasing the number of sustainable and measurable programs; increasing collaborative partnerships; and extending our existing initiatives to include those communities identified as having the greatest need. Our key is to focus on programs that speak to the current issues impacting the nation and the African American community.
Over the years, our tradition of finding and implementing innovative ways to integrate national issues that face our African American community and following the lead of our national organization has led to multiple successful programs in our Morris County community.
Currently, National Trends and Services encompasses several programs with partners and sponsors on a national level, and serves as a catalyst for change, promoting individual and community empowerment.
The Links, Incorporated is a national affiliate of the Financial Literacy Program. The Morris County Chapter has trained on the Financial Literary curriculum to assist with conducting financial education workshops in communities nationwide. Within the past few years, the Morris County Chapter has hosted a number Financial Literacy programs including The Basics of Banking, The Basics of Budgeting, and Making Budgets Work.
Most recently, the Morris County chapter has hosted Fraud Awareness Workshops to the community with another national partner, AARP. As a national partner, AARP supports African American women who are either preparing for life as they age or are currently dealing with the aging process. This partnership, appropriately called the AARP: Are You Ready? program includes components for preventative measures during each specific life stage and provides health, wellness and financial support and services to the 50+ community.
National Trends and Services continually supports the local Dress For Success – Northern NJ chapter. As a national partner, we provide general and specific clothing donations regularly.
Other community events hosted by National Trends and Services include Voter Registration and Get Out The Vote (GOTV) drives. Our local support also extends to local groups including NAACP, Jersey Battered Women’s Shelter (JWBS) and Art in the Atrium.